We provide excellent tours and excellent guides
Kristinn Gardarsson
Kristinn's story

Kristinn spent his early youth in the Westman Islands, an archipelago of volcanic islands off Iceland‘s South Coast. That is until a volcanic eruption in 1973 forced the 5,000 residents to evacuate the island in the middle of the night. Many of the homes on this island were destroyed in the eruption and this upbringing, close to the unforgiving, but beautiful nature with turbulent seas and abundant birdlife have shaped him ever since.
Kristinn loves to travel and spend his time outdoors hiking, cycling, skiing, and fishing while experiencing nature firsthand. He has traveled extensively in Iceland where the highlands rank high on his list of favorites.
Iceland‘s coast is also a favorite which is no surprise since that‘s where his origins lie. Iceland‘s West Fjords rank at the top of this list in this regard with their steep mountains and lively coasts filled with birdlife.
In the winter, cross country and alpine skiing take over; for him nothing is more rewarding than a calm frosty day skiing with good friends.
Kristinn loves bicycles. Ever since he got his first bike on his eighth birthday this mode of travel has been his favorite. Whether it is to and from work or for recreation, road or mountain biking; they all represent freedom to him.

Professional Experience
Kristinn is a Geographer with a Bachelor‘s degree from the University of Iceland and a Master‘s degree from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, USA. His main interests lay in Historical Geography and Cartography. While studying at the University of Iceland Kristinn worked three summers as a National Park Ranger in one of Iceland‘s National Parks, Jökulsárgljúfur, now a part of Vatnajökull National Park. Kristinn has for the most part of his career worked as a graphics designer for Iceland‘s largest news outlet Morgunblaðið/mbl.is, but now works along with his childhood friend Einar organizing trips and Expeditions in Iceland and Greenland.
Recently Kristinn decided to take his professional life in a new direction and decided to enroll in the Guide School of Iceland. Since his interests lie mainly in the outdoors, why not share the enthusiasm of Icelandic nature with others? Kristinn graduated in 2019 at the top of his class.
Kristinn‘s wife Sigrún is a country girl, raised on a farm in Northern Iceland where sheep and horses were the farm‘s staple. The farm where she was raised is close to the part of Iceland‘s highlands where an abundance of lakes lie and introduced him to trout fishing, a hobby that is still close to his heart. There are not many moments that beat when a trout pulls the line in the serenity of a highland lake. Kristinn and Sigrún have three sons and five grandchildren.